Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Marsha Blackburn Says U.S. Military Is Too Focused On Being “Woke”


A U.S. senator Friday spoke out against the “woke” policies implemented by the military, which has become especially apparent during LGBT Pride Month of June.

“The United States military should be focused on one objective – creating the most lethal fighting force on planet Earth,” Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told The  Star. “Instead, 's military leaders are secretly attempting to turn our brave warfighters into social justice warriors. Communist , Russia, Iran, and North Korea do not care how woke our military is or what our soldiers' pronouns are.“

She echoed a similar sentiment on Twitter.

“The Defense Department should focus energy on combatting our adversaries — not wokeism,” she said.

The U.S. Air Force celebrated Pride Month with a message of its own on Twitter.

“Pride in all who serve,” the military branch said, attaching a photo of its members running alongside a pride flag.

Many Twitter users were quick to criticize the Air Force for the post, noting that there is not an American flag in the photo.

The 's Inspector General's [DOGIG] office celebrated Pride Month on Friday, too.

“The [DODIG] recognizes June 2022 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month. During Pride Month, we commemorate the achievements and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, to include service in defense of our Nation,” that office said.

The Department of Defense (DOD) itself, the parent organization of America's military branches, sent out a June 7 press release officially recognizing Pride Month.

“DOD is committed to ensuring and promoting an atmosphere of dignity and respect for all civilian and military personnel,” Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks said. “We strive to make the Department of Defense a workplace of choice for all Americans willing and qualified to serve. In doing so, we set a bedrock foundation where all personnel are valued and given an equal opportunity to succeed.”

This article originally appeared in The Star News Network. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

Peter D'Abrosca
Peter D'Abrosca
Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].


  1. I served my country for 26 years and I have to say that our once mighty military is in such a sad state that without resorting to the use of nuclear weapons they might not be able to win a war against one of the bigger opponents. The down hill trend has been going on for a while now but was increased during the obama years. Over the years most of our military leaders have been forced out and replaced with politicians in military uniforms. This phony LGBTQ and wokeism is destroying this country and along with groups like blm and antifa will be the downfall of the United States of America.

    • Gus — “bigger apponents” — I seem to recall a picture of 2 Navy boats captured by Iranians without firing a single round in their own defense and at that time I do believe a local militia was stronger than the Iranian military. You are correct — the military demise really took off in the more than disgusting obama years where he attempted to sissify our entire military and they have managed to make the top brass politicians and not Soldiers,Marines,Navy or Air Force fighting troops.

      • The ship in question broke down and drifted into Iranian waters. They were sitting ducks and had no reason to fight.

  2. One thing we can count on; if there’s a way to break the U.S. military, Progressive Socialists will find it.

    History shows us that great civilizations are almost never destroyed from the outside, but rather fall from internal corruption.

    Let’s go, Brandon! Remember in November.

  3. I served for 21 years. Your words were elegant, much nicer way than I would say for what’s going on.

  4. I also served in the military (Navy) for 20 years. I would never enlist today. If we went to war and the draft was implemented and I was young enough to go I would refuse. I will not be forced to sleep in the same quarters with a homosexual. When I was stationed on ships we had what we called “queer guards” between each man’s rack to ensure some guy didn’t put their hands on us. This was during the Zumwalt era of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Now our military is supposed to work and sleep alongside these people. No thank you.

    • I was in also, 69-72 when Zumwalt’s policies were optional. I got the out before he made them mandatory.

  5. Why we kiss the weakest small minority groups ***. I will never understand. It can only be explained by saying American people are candy a***s

  6. In June of 2021, before Biden left 10 billion in top grade military equipment to the Taliban, and after we spent 80 billion over 20 years fighting them, he ordered the rainbow flag to be flown over the soon to be abandoned 11 million dollar U.S. embassy in Kabul. First, it used to be illegal to fly anything but “Old Glory” at Federal buildings but Brandon and his Secretary of State, Blinken changed that. It’s embarrassing and disgraceful and disrespectful; especially to the millions that have given their lives or limbs in service to this country, to have our country’s sacred symbols and institutions politicized in this way.

    Now the Air Force is flying the rainbow flag and the Marines show pictures of rainbow bullets on their helmets. The last meritocracy in our country, the military, is now being destroyed by “wokeness” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. The Chinese and Russians are rolling on the ground laughing…….

  7. I served 22-years in the Navy and retired as a Chief Petty Officer. My son served 5-years in the Army. Would I agree to serve in the military in this day and time? Would I want my son to serve? I seriously doubt it. The military is so focused on placating the queers and the its in their ranks I doubt that any meaningful training is taking place. The military is charged with protecting our country and our people and every endeavor should be toward that end. Anything else is a distraction and weakens their ability to fulfill this obligation.

  8. Yep, you’re all correct, but the sad thing is Trump does nothing but talk stuff to death at political rallies instead of mustering the military and put an end to this agonizing B.S. I’m a retired Military Warrior, and I cannot believe we’re still letting these evil bastards systematically destroy our country, piece by piece and do nothing except hold rallies and beg people for campaign contributions. Who the hell has any money left to do that. It’s high time to stop the TALK and WALK the WALK with Trump and the Military. If we don’t, there won’t be a country left by the 2024 Election. Are we ready for some Football?????

  9. After seeing and hearing what is now going on in our supposed military divisions, it makes me sick just hearing what our military has become, all because of Joe Biden’s non-sensical agendas. Everything that he changes or creates in our nation turns into a complete disaster that we all must pay for. God help us get rid of Biden and all democrat bureaucrats that have systematically ruined everything that they touch in their quest to attain complete power over our nation. I feel so sorry for military recruits and NCOs that are forced by their leaders to comply with the idiocracy of the “woke” leadership. All of this makes me ashamed of the USAF Air Force that I served in during the Vietnam war.

  10. I agree with Marsha…this is so unnecessary and has absolutely nothing to do with serving in the military. I wish these people who are “not normal” would simply stay in the closet and not be so “proud of their sin” for the sake of our young. It is similar to having thieves and robbers having their own flag to display and be proud of their sin also. And maybe prostitutes can have their own and parade them proudly? The “government” sponsored military speaks for and is funded by the majority of Americans and I am positive that the majority have a serious problem with this. It is as shame we even have to speak of this.

  11. I’m sure our enemies are terrified at the sight of our lisping limp wristed prancing spec ops troops.

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