Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Biden’s Dangerous New Government Effort to Control Conservative Speech


I wish this was satire from Babylon Bee, but it is in fact, the latest dangerous Team effort to empower the government to control conservative speech and criminalize words they don't like when used against people they do like.

Now they are focused on colluding with Big Tech platforms to restrict our God-given and Constitutionally protected right to mock or criticize politicians and public figures regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or professed perversions.

All this under the banner of combatting online harassment and abuse.

According to a statement by President Biden, Vice President ‘Cackling' Kamala Harris is leading an Orwellian new “harassment and abuse” internet task force at the White House, which will also seek to combat “disinformation campaigns.”

This new censorship task force announcement follows the equally dangerous Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) effort to control criticism of government policies with its Disinformation Governance Board.

Ridiculed as the Biden “Ministry of Truth,” that effort led to widespread outrage and concerns of internet censorship carried out by the federal government before it was reportedly paused.

The rest of the new White House task force includes Team Biden luminaries and pillars of free speech Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Attorney General , Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough.

The absurdly Orwellian-written statement says the task force aims to “assess and address online harassment and abuse that constitute technology-facilitated gender-based violence.”

Only an extreme leftist would even know what this statement means. 

But apparently, it's woke-speak for the federal government colluding more with Big-Tech to now censoring anything critical of LGBTQI+ or non-white public figures.

. 6.  Definition.  For the purposes of this memorandum, the term “technology-facilitated gender-based violence” shall refer to any form of gender-based violence, including harassment and abuse, which takes place through, or is aided by, the use of digital technologies and devices.

In other words, the government will be tracking everything you say online. 

In her speech announcing the task force on Thursday, Harris said “for far too many people … the internet is a place of fear.”

A place of fear of being called names.

Harris pointed to people being called “an offensive name” on the internet, which she largely attributed to race. The task force “will tackle a threat that has been far too real for far too many people for far too long,” Harris said. 

And now the entire ‘whole-of-government' will be focused on your comments online – especially if you are a conservative or they contravene the far-left of woke sensibilities.

The White House Statement:

Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, the Co-Chairs of the Task Force shall submit to the President a blueprint (Initial Blueprint) outlining a whole-of-government approach to preventing and addressing technology-facilitated gender-based violence, including concrete actions that executive departments, agencies, and offices have committed to take to implement the Task Force's recommendations.

Be afraid – be very afraid.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespohttps://paulcrespo.com/
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


    • Finally somebody has come up with a project that Mayorkas, Garland, Austin and Blinken can get their teeth into, where under The Camels leadership they can excel and best of all it will keep them away from more important things that they can screw up. What a team of clowns?

  1. Joe thinks in his sick mind he was elected king, WTF, when the impeachment hearing start, lets see just how much the biden crime family, has to say about all their corruption. Most of his current comments now, are unAmerican in nature and against his oath of office to protect and serve he swore too, we do not have kings anointed in this country and never will ,understand that democrats.

  2. If the internet is “a place of fear” for you…. don’t go there. Just like the TV, if you don’t like the channel, change it. Learn to be a little more discerning in the sites you go to.

    It’s not rocket surgery, folks. Grow up! Quit whining. Put on your big girl panties. Stop hiding behind your mother’s skirts , let go of her apron strings, move out of her basement. Grow a pair. Stop expecting the government to protect you, stop allowing the government to “protect” you. What ever happened to the old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?” It wasn’t just a rhyme for jumping rope. It was a reminder to ignore the idiots and to choose your battles wisely. If you can’t take criticism without melting into a puddle of goo, then you won’t ever be able to grow up and live.

  3. Note that their official definition specifically says that ‘violence” includes “harassment and abuse.” This is Orwellian twisting of words to justify the thought police.

  4. If the Conservative Media were more honest, Liberals would have no need to try and curve there Lies, Fake stories and Propaganda that harems the nation. The Fox Network and others are Founded on putting Fake and misleading stories with One objective in mind. That is to destroy Democracy and the Democratic Party, Check out there Mission Statement when they First went on the air. They are a Entertainment network, as described by there CEO, Masquerading as a News network to gain Network Ratings. Conservative followers, as we have seen during the Trump administration, Love to be lied too, and still do. If you prefer Lies over Facts, trout, the information provided by Experts that YOU have been paying for for there experience and expertise, Than it is a very good chance that you are a Fascist/Conservative/ Trump Sucker. When was the last Time you checked out what Conservatives Stand for or Fact checked anything the Trump, who could Not tell the truth about anything. If you are Not TOO lazy, you will see that Trump and Conservatives have a great deal in like with Hitlers Party.

    • That could possibly rank as the stupidest post I’ve ever read. Or, will I go to jail for that comment?

      • No, you are correct. This is symptomatic of a leftist. Call your opponents liars over and over when the evidence shows that it is the left that lies.

    • Unlike the threat of censorship prevalent in Liberal politics, you have posted your own reply that runs contrary to the conservative mindset here, and you’re welcome to do so. THAT, my friend, is what Free Speech is about.

      For future reference, learn the difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’, and between ‘than’ and ‘then. It just makes your note easier to read.

    • So I guess you trust CNN’s Don Lemon who is one of the most raciest arrogant pieces of crap to report the news.I guess it’s ok to support a President that got 13 military members killed in a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and to protect the people under his Watch for their incompetence from Secretary Blinkin to his Generals that failed.And not one of them will be held accountable or apologize to the families of those who were killed.And I guess it’s ok to let thousands illegals from the Southern Borders some of them criminals and Major Drug Dealers to immigrate to the US so Biden can support them when he can’t even take care or the legal immigrants in this country.And let’s let Biden push his Green Earth agenda that has put Gas At over 6 dollars a gallon and then has the balls to blame Putin and the Ukraine war.Yes Donald,you should be proud of this President and his administration that has destroyed this country.President Biden and his Administration are the laughing stock on the World stage.Uh Oh,I better be careful of what I say or Carmella’s Media Police will knock on my door and arrest me .So much for Free Speech.

    • Listen to this guy. Trump is a liar. That’s all they ever say and expect everyone to believe it. Then they try to say Conservatives are like Hitler, when it is they who are the socialists like Hitler and spread their propaganda like this all over the place. I don’t see why they think being a communist is so much better than being an American. Wonder what’s going to happen to him during Biden’s war against America? Maybe he’s not even an American at all. Definitely a troll.

    • Your comment shows that you are less than educated, both in the lies you post, as well as the unbelievable lack of command of the English language. Further proof that this is the best we can ever expect from a democrat.

  5. The wholly predictable result of a society having been raised in the “everybody wins a trophy” environment, where self-esteem is so fragile it can’t withstand any shocks whatsoever. If this was 1775…we’d be paying obeisance to the Queen of England for the foreseeable future, this nation would remain a colony of England.

  6. Unfortunately, the Biden administration does not realize that words are not violence. Actions might be violent, but words are just words. My mother taught me that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” It sounds as though lots of mothers failed to get that message through to their kids.


  8. The midterms are almost here sire, then you and your oath breakers are properly fxxxed. Biden thinks he has been elected king, WTF, when the impeachment hearing start, lets see just how much king biden has to have say about his corruption. America has never elected kings, the oath of office taken is to protect and serve, we do not have kings anointed in this country and never will, hope the democrats understand that, midterms to prove that point.

  9. Proof what we already know, a bunch of dumb (people) in the White House. Maybe that will be politically correct enough to be published. My first remarks were not in good taste.

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